Within the past week I have become obsessed with a song. This song: Gunship: When you grow up, your heart dies Specifically, I am obsessed with the way that it blends so well with the music video, that I just shared with you. I have just discovered Gunship, and I have to say, whoever came up with the idea of marrying the sound and lyrics of this song, to images of people re-enacting famous scenes from famous 80s movies, deserves a special kind of reward. It might be the "Knows how to Pull at Peter Marsh's Heartstrings Award" for 2019. I knew upon watching that initial video, that there had to be a corresponding, fan made video,with the actual footage from the movies, that the people, in the first video, were trying to recreate. I was not wrong: You know you want to see it This second video brought me to a point of near transcendence, a state where I was almost able to forgive those who contribute to the stream of depressing news, and toxic thought that I ...
Fiction and Reviews by Author, PR MARSH