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5/21/2020 - My YouTube video that I am surprised hasn't been taken down yet

About four days ago, I posted a video on Youtube, this video:

Entitled "Warriors (Of Our Roleplaying games)" The video is filled with footage of over a dozen video games, movies and TV shows. It also features the song "Warriors" by Imagine Dragons, in its entirety. I am still learning about the copyright restrictions on YouTube, as far as I know, if your video gets flagged, it cannot be monetized. I don't care if my video makes one penny, which I am sure it will not. It is up to 44 views, as of the time of this post. I just want people to see it, because I think it is cool, and it represents the years' worth of Roleplaying adventures that I have had with my friends. Strangely enough, when I shared the video with them, I didn't get as much feedback as I would when I would post a typical "No Beard Plaguecast" episode. I am just proud of this video, and I want other people to see it.

None of the images, or music are my own creation, but they are the images that have inspired our many Roleplaying characters, for years.  Let me know what you think, especially if you can let me know, in the comments of the actual YouTube video.


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